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Sunday, January 16, 2005

Sharp Yes! Whirlpool Poop.

 Back on August 19th .. AUGUST-freaking-19TH, 2004! I reported the death of  our Whirlpool freaking $400 microwave.  It committed suicide by immolation you'll remember.   Anyway, I called the Whirlpool Authorized repair guy, ABC APPLIANCE, and for a $65 deposit they took it back to the shop after the repair guy, who after two visits, could not fix it.  The problem was that the Magnetron tube (Mag Tube 8184652)  caught fire.  When ABC ordered a new one (which part was still under warranty thank god because it costs $176.33) Whirlpool's Safety Dept. replied HALT!  It is too dangerous to replace this tube.  We will replace the unit.  Five days ago, after 5 months of dicking around with Whirlpool, they pretty much said, we'll give you a 35% buying incentive discount on a replacement Whirlpool Microwave,  take-it-or-GFY! .  Right! After I already said [Product Review] what a piece of crap it was?

Anyway,  Mother Superior is by this time most annoyed at the gaping hole where the microwave ought to be (I kind of liked the handy storage it offered for my chips, hot dog buns and old newspapers)  Monday we went to Lowes and bought a SHARP R-520J for $109!  And guess what?  It's way better than that $400 deal, especially since we did not use the convection oven feature once,  for real.  .  Why is it better? Well, it's bigger inside (2 CU.FT v 1.5), more powerful (1200 Watts v 1000) and all the magic buttons work.  Press popcorn and the popcorn cooks just right, not like the Whirlpool which never did.  So here's my advice to Whirlpool microwave owners, load it with a bunch steel wool and light bulbs, crank it on high and enjoy the light show until it explodes.  Then go buy a Sharp.
| E-MAIL Real King of France at 1/16/2005 09:50:00 AM PERMLINK (6) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
A 35% *discount* on a new unit?? That is NOT a warranty...

Re: steel wool & lightbulbs, sounds fun, but I'm more eager to know where you picked up your time machine. I'm wondering if they carry those at Lowe's too? I'd never noticed them there before.

Explain this time machine

Heh...just being a smartass.

These days it is almost always cheaper to replace a electronic device rather than
get it repaired. Plus it is more fun to buy the latest and greatest.

" latest and greatest"

The funny thing is Jake, that when my dad passed 5 years ago, he had the same model and I brought it home and put it in the basement. When we needed it, the damn thing had disappeared.

I have a Sharp that is twenty five years old.Still works just like new, and looks the same as the new MW.Boazo

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