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" I don't think I've ever met a Liberal whom I didn't like on a personal basis. That said, if your goal is to change minds and influence people, it's probably not a good idea to begin by asserting that virtually all elected Democrats are liars. But what the hell."
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Our Position on Obama's Election
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Monday, November 14, 2005

Filthy Republicans are worse than any Democrat
Read today's Prowler article "Treacherous Waters" (Bonus points if the names "Lott," and "Specter" just mind flashed).  All the discerning gentleman really needs to know, about Lott, is that he was one of two clients handled by Dick Morris, the other being Bill Clinton (how quaint, today, to realize that Morris lost his job as Clinton's brain for being caught in an adulterous affair).

Lott lost his job as Majority Leader because democrats manufactured one of their phony outrages after Lott praised a 100 year old Strom Thurmond.  Democrats, and spineless senate Republicans, who true to form caved to democrats, did the nation a favor by dumping him.  Better to have a stand-up al-Qaeda  champion like Harry Reid running the Senate,  than the smarmy backstabbing Lott.  Enemies like Reid wear the uniform, and get detention when captured.  People like Lott, who falsely wear the opponent's uniform to gain advantage are always summarily shot when captured (which reason I voted for Hillary in my own poll).  Hillary wears the uniform, and we know what to expect; McCain is not only treasonous (I don't say that lightly), but too stupid to realize that Democrats play him like a banjo.  I don't know which is worse.

Finally, how sweet that Arlo Sphincter "has been the most consistent supporter of [Rick] Santorum, not so much because they like each other, but because Santorum sold out his conservative base last election cycle to help Specter get re-elected."  Buh-bye asshole. And, no, I have not forgotten that Santorum acted on behalf of President Bush in getting Sphincter reelected, when we could have had Sen. Pat Toomey.  It's not an excuse.

| E-MAIL Real King of France at 11/14/2005 09:41:00 AM PERMLINK (9) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
Between John Rino McCain and Billary, I'd cast a write-in vote for John Kerry. At least he admits he's a liberal.

You need to photo-shop a rubber mask being pulled off of Ted Aquaman Kennedy to reveal McCain's face.

My father was in the military in the late 50's & early 60's. He did lots of stuff he won't talk about - including psy-ops. When McCain-Feingold passed, he commented that McCain had been brainwashed during his captivity.
Paraphrasing: "He's been washed. He was there long enough, his description of what happened matches the standard pattern we programmed into ours."

And now that he's on the "inside" of US politics, he can destroy it from within - something the Communists can't do. And with the bills he proposes and supports, he demonstrates that.


I can only assume that all these people that would hold their nose and vote for John (the manchurian candidate) McCain are doing so because he has an alleged "r" in front of his name.

What if barbara boxer, diane feinstein, nancy pelosi or chuckie schumer switched parties? Would they all of a sudden be acceptable candidates because they now had an "r"? Or would they still be the same despicable traitors??

How is mccain any different (with the exception of the professional brainwash job)????

If you would vote for mcCain, you would vote my children and future generations into (more) socialism, communism or islam. How can you sleep? How can you look yourself in the mirror.

Does anyone in the United States have any principles or guts left? Sheesh!!!!!


Rodger � I�ve read several similar write-ups. This one is the best. I�ve saved a copy for future reference........Thanks

Yayyyyyyyy! I win! :D

I will never vote for McCain. The keating crap is enough to disqualify him, he shouldn't even be a Senator. I'd never seriously considered the Manchurian angle, but the article Rodger linked to is a sure eye opener.

Matthew O.

McCain been hit in the head too many times with a rifle butt.

I really hope everyone who is posting about McCain being brainwashed is joking.......really how stupid can you get?

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