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" I don't think I've ever met a Liberal whom I didn't like on a personal basis. That said, if your goal is to change minds and influence people, it's probably not a good idea to begin by asserting that virtually all elected Democrats are liars. But what the hell."
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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Axe and whack ... must axe and whack
I want to give you two quick examples of why we must make plans to institutionalize American Liberals PDQ  ... I STG, these fuckers are pod people sent here from another universe after they ruined their own ... kinda like Massachusettsians  going to New Hampshire.  And, gawd also knows these will be examples 8,988, and 8,989 that you have received from just me in my  9 years of public rant. 

Today's first is fired CBS producer Mary Mapes, the engineer behind Dan Rather's phony Bush AWOL story.  She is interviewed by Brian Ross on  today’s Good Morning America (video links here) ...

ROSS: ""Good morning, Charlie. CBS fired Mary Mapes earlier this year and she's not been heard from until now. She is unrepentant and defiant. Refusing to accept membership in the journalism hall of shame. ... After ... defending him, CBS and Dan Rather later admitted they couldn't vouch for the authenticity of the documents, Bill Burkett's documents, and that they should not have been used and the story should not have aired. Do you," Mary Mapes, "still think the story was true?"
MAPES: " The story? Absolutely."
ROSS:  "This seems remarkable to me that you would sit here now and say you still find that story to be up to your standards."
MAPES:  "I'm perfectly willing to believe those documents are forgeries if there's proof that I haven't seen."
ROSS: "But isn't it the other way around? Don't you have to prove they're authentic?"
MAPES: " Well, I think that's what critics of the story would say. I know more now than I did then, and I think -- I think -- they have not been proved to be false yet."
ROSS: "Have they proved to be authentic, though? Isn't that really what journalists do?"
MAPES: "No, I don't think that's the standard."

This next is just as bizarre ...  you can find the whole deal on NewsMax 

"Iraq war critic, Sen. Carl Levin made a startling admission Monday night - confessing that he believed the Bush administration was not wrong when they claimed Saddam Hussein posed a nuclear threat.

"Look, there was plenty of evidence that Saddam had nuclear weapons," Levin told MSNBC's "Hardball." "That is not in dispute. There is plenty of evidence of that."

WTF?  Levin is among the leading flip-floppers on the Iraq war ... 
"When they said that the aluminum tubes that Saddam Hussein was seeking could only be used to make nuclear material, that was not true," the Michigan Democrat told the Senate the same day. "There is a pattern of exaggeration, distortion, misleading statements by the administration prior to the war."
WTF?  Am I reading him right?  There was plenty of evidence that Saddam had nuclear weapons, but not made from aluminum tubes?  Pod People.  I'm saying truth.  Pod People.
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"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
"WTF? Levin is among the leading flip-floppers on the Iraq war ...

"When they said that the aluminum tubes that Saddam Hussein was seeking could only be used to make nuclear material, that was not true," the Michigan Democrat told the Senate the same day. "There is a pattern of exaggeration, distortion, misleading statements by the administration prior to the war."

WTF? Am I reading him right? There was plenty of evidence that Saddam had nuclear weapons, but not made from aluminum tubes? Pod People. I'm saying truth. Pod People. "

Well, if someone (it doesn't say in the Bush administration) said that aluminum tubes could only be used to make nuclear material, I suppose that's true but talk about distortion and misleading... This guy apparently couldn't get through two paragraphs without hipocracy.

Using Mary Mapes logic someone could print that she had routine conjugal visits to the dog pound and hey, as long as she doesn't prove it didn't happen, it must be true. What a dimwit.

Laura, right now, is making the point that the effing d's are locked on a mission to discredit W, while the Muslim facists are making plans RIGHT NOW to kill us.

It really is unbelievable what rotten MOFOs these creepy liberals are. They're putting their party and their lust for power ahead of the interests of us. And when that dirty bomb goes off in a container in Charleston(my scenario), you can lay it right at the feet of Schumer, Boxer, Levin, and Kennedy.

And Carter, OMG, what a major leauge asshole, why is he even talking much less not openly laughed at. Totally classless. Worst president in my life and he's got the balls to criticize W?????

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