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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

We'd better focus, dammit.

Snippage from Tom Bevin's excellent THE WEST'S LAST CHANCE - PART I:


"Blankley explained that he's been keenly focused on the issue of terrorism since the morning of September 11, 2001 when he stood in a field outside his house watching smoke rise from the nearby Pentagon. In conversations with experts both inside and outside of government over the last four years, however, Blankley said he'd come to the conclusion the West remains in a state of "deep denial" over the nature of the threat we face. "The danger," he tells me, "is more than just bombs, it's also the cultural assertiveness of Islam."

"Blankley argues that we must view terrorism and its practitioners like Osama bin Laden in the broader context of a cultural upheaval taking place across the Muslim world. One fifth of mankind, Blankley says, is "in turmoil, and insurgent as it has not been in the last five hundred years, if not fifteen hundred years." Blankley says we can't know whether the radical jidahist elements of Islam will eventually peter out or whether they will strengthen and deepen over time, though he suggests "the latter is far more likely."

"Of particular concern to Blankley is the speed at which Islam is asserting itself throughout Europe; a process exacerbated over the last few decades by liberal immigration policies, falling birthrates across the Continent, a decline in the willingness of Muslims to assimilate, and an adherence to the diktat of tolerance among Western elites that has prevented any meaningful discussion of the issue.

"As a result, Blankley argues the fate of Europe now hangs in the balance. "The threat of radical Islamists taking over Europe," he writes, "is every bit as great to the United States as was the threat of the Nazis taking over Europe in the 1940's."  [All of it]

"The day is upon us when the West will have to decide which it values more: granting these rights and tolerance to those who wish to destroy us, or the survival of Western civilization."

"So what does the West do with a growing population of Islamists who have no desire to integrate into Western civilization -"

| E-MAIL Real King of France at 10/18/2005 11:15:00 AM PERMLINK (4) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
"or whether they will strengthen and deepen over time, though he suggests "the latter is far more likely."

Sorry so say the latter is far more likely. Al Qaida is killing moderate Muslims and other who speak out against Al Qaida. Thus Muslims are afraid to speak up.

The only solution is to kill Al Qaida wherever they exist.

I'm afraid I feel even stronger. This will end with no no Muslims, or all Muslims. No middle.

Sorry Rodger but with a pic like that do you really expect us to read the article? ;-)

I agree with AO. I'd like more info on that woman, please.


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