Suicidal glory is the luxury of the irresponsible.
We're not giving up. We're waiting for a better opportunity to win.

" I don't think I've ever met a Liberal whom I didn't like on a personal basis. That said, if your goal is to change minds and influence people, it's probably not a good idea to begin by asserting that virtually all elected Democrats are liars. But what the hell."
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Let's rent every Barbra Streisand movie ...
Beginning on September 19, the NYTimes will charge $49.95 a year for online users to access 22 columnists, including Tom Friedman, Maureen Dowd, Paul Krugman, Frank Rich, sports columnist George Vecsey and business columnist Gretchen Morgenson.  Matt Drudge says he will at that point probably delink those columnists from his web site. Kiss of Dearh. [NewsMax Matt Drudge May Boot NY Times Columnists]

This is not unexpected; other papers will quickly follow suit IMO.  It will be fun to watch, because paying $50 a year to read that pack is like going to Blockbusters and renting every Barbra Streisand movie ever made ... they all suck, and you hate her guts anyway.  The TIMES' ready made audience for agitprop is also the same group who think there is a constitutional right for free stuff.  We'll see how that irons itself out.

Anyway, the paid site license an inescapable fact of life.  Having gone through something like this with Jim Robinson at Free Republic (lawsuit by WaPost and LATIMES to stop posting of articles), I think I know what will happen. 

At first a network of individual bloggers will post articles from their daily paper, and we'll all go there and link and stuff.  After awhile the lawyers will send cease and desist letters.  Then bloggers will start posting only the meaty paragraphs, and about this time enough congress peeps will have been pressured by hometown papers to legislate it all away -- under pain of 20 years in Lewistown.  At that point some new technology will emerge that allows for the free exchange of the written word, or publishers themselves will come up with some syndication membership deal. 

The thing I fear most is that by getting our news ala carte ... filthy commies reading their rags, good Americans reading The Washington Times, we will be driven further apart, if that's possible.  Anyway, you don't have to read the NYTimes, these services will keep you up to date.
| E-MAIL Real King of France at 9/14/2005 08:12:00 PM PERMLINK (5) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
There are sites with login names and passwords for post membership areas of most online news sites...Not to mention, it's easy to get around all of that crap to begin with.

That list of NYT writers certainly is a sorry cadre, hardly reason to subscribe.

I think your hypothesis of a potentially increasing divide is very perceptive and that a division by isolation along political lines is perhaps as big a threat to our well-being as the Balkanization of our populace by race, sex, and language groupings.

Two hundred thirty years ago we had huge disagreements about how to get there, but for the most part we had some idea what we wanted in the end.

Now we can't even agree who the enemy is, in fact can't even get a large part of the populace to use the word enemy.

Once in a while I listen to Michael Savage, when his ego doesn't get in the way, and other issues aside, I do agree with his mantra "borders language culture."

IMHO, the key to our nation�s well-being in the future; i.e., stopping the Balkanization of America, lies with a strict-constructionist Supreme Court.

To stop the Balkanization of America, we must end the War on Poverty and the Great Society and thereby start breaking the circle of entitlement mentality. We've tried it for forty years and the favorable results are nil. We can do that if we can shut down the race pimps in court.

We need our schools back. The NEA is poisoning our youth with revisionist text and teaching; we must get the Feds out of education and regain local control. We can do that if we can get a court to recognize that states do have rights and the Fed has overstepped under the 10th Amendment. We can stop inculcating Liberalism and Multi-culturalism in schools and go back to where students are taught American culture and history and to think for themselves. We must keep and teach Judeo-Christian values in our schools, and stop the slide into moral relativism.
I believe a strict constructionist court will remind atheists and others squawking about religion that in addition to the establishment clause, the First Amendment also says �Congress shall make no law �. prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech�.

We might actually produce some journalists who can report the truth and write about good news as well as bad, and whether the news is good or bad, remember they are Americans first and journalists second.

We must have tort reform; everywhere we go there are shadows of lawsuits lurking, with no consequences for the perpetrators of fraudulent suits other than a waste of time, and an enormous burden of CYA on business and curtailment of expression of ideas by individuals. Criminal law is codified, with offenses, procedures and penalties for specific offenses thoroughly spelled out. There is little codified law on the tort side with an often woefully unqualified jury deciding the guilt of the defendant and also the penalty for the offense based on how much a lawyer can cajole from them. We can reform tort law if Congress is not afraid of �protected groups� pimps. If there are no �protected groups�, then the pimps have nothing to offer.

Make English the official language of the US. If you can�t speak English, anyone knows for damn sure you�re not a citizen and therefore not eligible for the protections, benefits and privileges of a citizen. If you�re obviously not a citizen, then you can be stopped without probable cause and asked for proper papers, if you don�t have them � boom, you�re out.
If there are no �protected groups�, law enforcement can profile. See �race pimps� above.

If we have a strict constructionist SCOTUS, I believe little by little we can reverse the Balkanization of America; the Left will howl at first, but in time the rightness and good results will wash the scales from the eyes of many of the Left. As for the rest, we�ll outnumber them, we�ll stay in touch through the internet better than them, we�re smarter than them and we have more guns and better looking women.

Lt. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Excellent General. Just excellent.


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wait... isn't that elitist? What about the pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor?

[the fact that it took me a whole day to realize this should reassure me.... right?]

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