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Sunday, August 14, 2005

Data mining my own stuff

Friday, July 23, 2004, 7:45:00 AM
I captured this chart from Fox and Friends last July.  It's my habit to click-click-click away when grabbing screens, so it's fortuitous that this is the single  example I kept.  The reason I did (the accompanying post was made on KisP, and is  lost), was because of the recommendation to "Strengthen Congressional oversight."  It was ironic, because even then it was obvious that this 9/11 commission was there, as Rush Limbaugh stated Thursday, to protect anybody in power from getting blamed.  Jamie Gorelick's presence on the commission was proof positive of that,  since it was well know that it was she who set up barriers that stopped the sharing of  intel in the first place.   Looking at it fresh,  "Give Pentagon control over covert ops" is the knee slapper (in between tears).

 I just watched Rep Curt Weldon (R PA), the man who  uncovered the sheer duplicity of the 9-11 Commission. state on FOX NEWS:
"Someone evidently did not want Able Danger revealed, and I don't know why?"
9-11 CommissionWeldon is being coy, of course.  He has been harping on this story since 2002,  so it's not as though nobody was aware of it.   I don't wish to sound patronizing -- most of you know all this and more -- so  this is for me two years from now when I'm trying to remember what the hell Able-Danger was.  

Able-Danger is the task force established by the Pentagon (via Army Special Forces) to keep tabs on al-Qaeda cells in the United States, and which surveilled  Mohamed  Atta's Brooklyn  cell in 1999.  In September, 2000, Able-Danger was stopped by DOD lawyers from raising the alarm because the Clinton Administration had made it illegal to do so!  Then,  just 10  days before the 9-11 Commission sent it's report to the GPO for printing, a uniformed military officer once again formally protested that the report would be incomplete without the Able-Danger information.  He was dismissed.  Here's the excuses being given today for ignoring Able Danger, according to Weldon.
  1. "We never heard from them"
  2. "We heard from them, but they had no documentation." (there are 15 boxes of documentation offered.)
  3. "The documentation was inconclusive. "
  4. "We didn't want to compromise intelligence gathering  methods " (Closed session interviews would solve that)
  5. "Many of us are senile, some of us just plain stupid, and some are Democrats."  (I made that one up, but it's the only truth in the list) .

In an article for The Washington Monthly, Kevin Drum indicates that Philip Zelikow,  executive director of the 9/11 Commission, is being set up as a fall guy [my conclusion].
“I personally talked with Zelikow about this,” recalled the intelligence officer. “For whatever bizarre reasons, he didn’t pass on the information.”
Pllltttttt.  According to the New York Times [9/11 Commission's Staff Rejected Report on Early Identification of Chief Hijacker ] the Commission simply didn't believe it.  [I'm sure Ms. Gorelick fought like hell for a scrupulous examination].

Blah-blah-blah.  So, I'm being asked by the guys at the liquor store, "what does it mean, Rodge?"  It means that the Clintons were guilty of gross negligence, and reckless behavior, and directly compromised the security of the United States (again), and are trying like hell to avoid direct blame, as are congressional enablers.  The Schultz Commission (thank God for it) recommends a firing squad for the Clintons, and everyone in that Administration. Furthermore, The Schultz Commission sentences members of the 9-11 Commission to 100 years in prison (except for Gorelick , who goes to the wall).
| E-MAIL Real King of France at 8/14/2005 10:10:00 AM PERMLINK (5) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
Excellent, Roger.

You are right, the 9/11 commission did more harm than good. If the the Clintons and the commission buried the work of Able-Danger, how many other projects did they bury.

Since your very quick response Jake, the Schultz Commission has handed down its finding.

-- The Schultz Commission (thank God for it) recommends a firing squad for the Clintons, and everyone in that Administration. Furthermore, The Schultz Commission sentences members of the 9-11 Commission to 100 years in prison (except for Gorelick , who goes to the wall).

Just because Able Danger is the biggest story since 9/11, the actual smoking gun, pointing straight at the treasonous actions by many people high in the government.... Doesn't mean the MSM will really report on it (other than an "Oh yeah, and by the way" type of story). Even Bush is downplaying the story. WTF?

The REAL story getting plastered all over the TV (including FOX, who is really pissing me off lately) is about the "Peeeeace Protests" by the communists outside Bush's ranch.

I think that most folks who watch FOX news have a head on their shoulders, so the only thing those dickwads accomplish is piss more and more people off. I would like to see some Rachel Corrie � brand bulldozers sweep in though. Yee-haw~

Three cheers for The Schultz Commission.Rodge, you might be a bit
to lenient on punishment!

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