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" I don't think I've ever met a Liberal whom I didn't like on a personal basis. That said, if your goal is to change minds and influence people, it's probably not a good idea to begin by asserting that virtually all elected Democrats are liars. But what the hell."
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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Godammit, you killed Dan Rather
If Republicans are so different from mainstream America, then who voted for them?

Back in October, 2003, I blogged ["Three perfect storms"] about a terrific piece in the City Journal  titled "We’re Not Losing the Culture Wars Anymore" by Brian C. Anderson".  While Christopher  Hedges and ilk were beating tom-toms against the  imminent takeover of America  by people who go to church, Anderson  was busy expanding that article into a full fledged book  South Park Conservatives: The Revolt Against Liberal Media Bias
Mr. Garrison undergoes a sex-change operation.  Here, the surgeon turns his penis inside-out to form a vagina. - South Park
I like South Park.  Along with The Simpsons, it is the only television show I never miss.  As the show’s co-creator, 32-year-old Matt Stone, sums it up: “I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals.” And it shows.  Both Stone and partner Trey Parker also hate religion, alas, but regularly incorporate organized religion's values and morality into their shows (well, maybe not so much the third and the seventh Commandments).  So, how do I, a practicing Roman Catholic,  square my faith with all this?  I don't worry about it.  And neither do a hell of a lot of other people, which pretty much destroys the left's attempt to link all conservatives to the wackiest bible thumpers. 

The show is wildly popular with der kinders, and this is where the left has the most to fear.  South Park ridicules every  pretentious utterance they are likely to hear from the rabid liberals who run our education system. 
"Those right-of-center college students, for the most part, aren't Alex P. Keaton-clones, decked out in Ralph Lauren double-breasted navy blue blazers. They're more likely to look like every other college kid: jeans, sneakers, and T-shirts advertising their favorite rock groups. (On the other hand, as Anderson notes in his book, campus South Park conservatives usually smell better than their bathing-optional counterparts on the left). But there's one thing that South Park campus conservatives abhor: "Political correctness drives them nuts", Anderson says. "In interviewing students, for instance, it was clear how much the PC conformities of the campus Left turned them off." -   Edward B. Driscoll, Jr. (reviewing) in Tech Central Station
Who'd a ever figgered that a cartoon show featuring foul mouthed fourth graders (one show kept a running score on how many times "fuck" was used) could destroy Satan?  They are.
| E-MAIL Real King of France at 5/04/2005 09:12:00 AM PERMLINK (3) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
If it's the Knights of Standards and Practices episode you're talking about, the curse word was "shit" for which they ran the counter.

You may be right ... I'm deaf so I use French subtitles and you know how the French fuck things up.

That was right after the NYPD Blue episode where they said shit, and it was hyped as this big moment in television history. It's funnier if you keep that in mind.

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