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" I don't think I've ever met a Liberal whom I didn't like on a personal basis. That said, if your goal is to change minds and influence people, it's probably not a good idea to begin by asserting that virtually all elected Democrats are liars. But what the hell."
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Our Position on Obama's Election
The person you call President Obama ... ."

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Unprecedented? Maybe this millennium.
Update: Sorry, this was the Clinton White House
| E-MAIL Real King of France at 10/05/2005 06:09:00 PM PERMLINK (2) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
It depends on what your definition of the word "spy" is.

If your the President and you sell your country's secrets to the ChiComs for campaign contributions is it still spying?

John Huang was made a Commerce Department deputy assistant secretary. Bill Clinton had, you may remember, made Commerce the repository for US cryptology. Sometimes two or three times a week, John Huang crossed the
street from his Commerce Department office to make calls and pick up faxes
at an investment firm with ties to his former Indonesian employer Mochtar Riady, who had close ties to Red China.

That sounds like spy stuff to everyone -- except the Clintons.

BTW, I see now that this current White House guy was hired by Al Gore ...

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Meet Ted
Children in the McClean, VA youth league are used to meeting with Senator Kennedy most Saturday mornings,
| E-MAIL Real King of France at 10/05/2005 05:50:00 PM PERMLINK (1) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
LMAO!!! thanks, joyce :D

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This is actually true
| E-MAIL Real King of France at 10/05/2005 10:49:00 AM PERMLINK (1) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
Most people hate clowns, or are scared
shitless of them!

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Sperm storage

In the entry on "Semen", EB wrote:

Sperm mature in the balls, they then pass through a long tube called the pee-pee, or Mr. Johnson, to another storage area, Debbie Flanski's mouth.

In fact, the vas deferens propels sperm directly from the epididymis to the outside during ejaculation. Sperm is stored before the ejaculation in the epididymis, not in the ampulla. They describe it correctly in their article on "Ejaculation". See also Ejaculation and vas deferens.

We regret the error.  See more in -----

Errors in the Encyclopædia Britannica that have been corrected in Wikipedia

| E-MAIL Real King of France at 10/05/2005 10:32:00 AM PERMLINK (2) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
Well hell, you can't know EVERYTHING!



So Roger, are you still reading only the naughty parts of the encyclopaedia?

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Tonight's faux tuna casserole
| E-MAIL Real King of France at 10/05/2005 09:37:00 AM PERMLINK (0) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
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On the other hand, Patrick Ruffini might be right
What's a girl to do? It's all so confusing.
| E-MAIL Real King of France at 10/05/2005 09:24:00 AM PERMLINK (0) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
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This Stinks
Ronald Reagan asked this question less than two minutes into his first address to Congress in 1981, excoriating a government willing to mortgage the future of its citizenry via a national debt of $1 trillion. Reagan invited the American people to visualize this "incomprehensible" sum not as a string of numbers but as the cold, hard cash it actually was. "If you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only 4 inches high, you'd be a millionaire," he said. "A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills 67 miles high."

Consider: In November, the Republican majority in Congress passed legislation on a near-party line vote raising the government's debt limit to $8.18 trillion, a figure close to 70 percent the size of the entire U.S. economy -- at the urging of a Republican president regarded as the ideological descendant of Reagan. Shortly thereafter, the White House issued a statement "commending" Congress for this action. There was no mention in it of a now 500-mile-high stack of thousand-dollar bills. If this Captain believes the ship of state was out of control, he wasn't letting on.
 There's lots good about Bush, but this stinks. -- Gut Check Republicans

| E-MAIL Real King of France at 10/05/2005 09:16:00 AM PERMLINK (0) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
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| E-MAIL Real King of France at 10/05/2005 07:08:00 AM PERMLINK (1) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
This is so perfect! It says it all! DemoRats are bought and paid for.

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Today's idiot ... but there may be more.
Uber nincompoop Jeffery Feiger, erstwhile lawyer for Dr. Death (Jack Kevorkian), and one-time Michigan gubernatorial candidate, just now dumped these pearls on an unsuspecting Fox & Friends audience.
  • "Contrary to popular belief, David Souter is not a liberal.  He's just makes up his own mind on issues ."
  • "You don't have to be judge to be named to the Supreme Court, but you do have to be a lawyer."
Feiger discussed an "ideologue's sphere of influence" on the SCOTUS, and identified said sphere as Justices Thomas, and Scalia, which accounts for Feiger's notion that Souter is a mainstream thinker.  On the second point, Feiger is plain ignorant. There is no such requirement. 


| E-MAIL Real King of France at 10/05/2005 06:58:00 AM PERMLINK Feiger - phooey (1) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
I wonder if that putz has ever read the Constitution? There are no written requirements. Not even citizenship. Bob Jackson who was considered a good justice never got a law degree.

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Mommy. are all democrats liars?
I don't think so dear. Eat your cereal.
Jeb Eddy, Liar
| E-MAIL Real King of France at 10/05/2005 06:16:00 AM PERMLINK (0) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
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Best friend, maybe, but a lousy designated driver.
Wartime leaders as great as Hannibal and MacArthur had periods when they were inexplicably frozen at the controls, only to bounce back better than ever.  Maybe the Miers nomination is one of a few such incidents during President Bush's term.  George Will comes as close as anyone to capturing my sentiments in Miers is the wrong pick.
" ... there is no reason to believe that Miers' nomination resulted from the president's careful consultation with people capable of such judgments. If 100 such people had been asked to list 100 individuals who have given evidence of the reflectiveness and excellence requisite in a justice, Miers' name probably would not have appeared in any of the 10,000 places on those lists.      In addition, the president has forfeited his right to be trusted as a custodian of the Constitution. The forfeiture occurred March 27, 2002, when, in a private act betokening an uneasy conscience, he signed the McCain-Feingold law expanding government regulation of the timing, quantity and content of political speech."
Will indulges in a bit of excess there, because it doesn't matter whether he is a trusted custodian of the Constitution.  He is the only person allowed to make this particular appointment, so let's make him do it again until he gets it [Janice Rogers Brown]  right.
| E-MAIL Real King of France at 10/05/2005 05:37:00 AM PERMLINK (2) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller



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