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" I don't think I've ever met a Liberal whom I didn't like on a personal basis. That said, if your goal is to change minds and influence people, it's probably not a good idea to begin by asserting that virtually all elected Democrats are liars. But what the hell."
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Saturday, November 19, 2005

Scheer madness!
It's the story of a clown, name of "Scheer"
Who could fuck-up, alas, without fear
Due to his dear wife's position
There was never contrition
"If they fire, I'll rehire you dear."

This is just great, because I always wondered how in the hell Robert Scheer continued to draw a paycheck from the LA Times?  Not once did I read a Scheer column that did not contain such obvious, and transparent lies/disinformation, that even the New York Times would have let him go ages ago.  David Horowitz startled me with this ...

Scheer's mommy bails him out:

Bob Scheer has been hired by the San Francisco Chronicle. No big surprise. His position at the Times was "anointed" as one Times editor told me. Scheer's wife Narda Zachino was a top editor at the Times and looked after him. Some years ago, Zachino was demoted at the Times and moved to the San Francisco Chronicle where she can look after her hubby again:

There's more!  Scheer once worked for Horowitz, back when David was still a commie, and  he fired him ....!

Scheer's alibis

If you can believe anything you read on MediaMatters, fired columnist Bob Scheer is blaming O'Reilly and me for getting him the ax in the first place. This despite his own son's report (see his article at Alternet) that the new publisher of the Los Angeles Times who fired him told intimates "I hate everything he writes." Of course, Scheer, like MediaMatters, will say anything to attack an enemy, even if one attack contradicts another. Thus when I fired Scheer from Ramparts magazine in 1969, he told one board director that I would turn the magazine into a "Trostkyite rag" and another that I would make it a Zionist mouthpiece. While he was sticking these knives into my back he told others that he was thinking of committing suicide as if to put that on my conscience. Scheer's alibis and threats (and columns) only work on the credulous,  but then MediaMatters is a site for the credulous.

| E-MAIL Real King of France at 11/19/2005 10:50:00 PM PERMLINK (4) | HOME


"I did not vote for Obama but he is remarkable. In less than three weeks in office he has collected more than $150,000 in back taxes."
Gayle Miller
Ok slightly OT but, who is that enchangingly beautiful woman on the left of your header? This is beauty in the essence. She is pretty but, I bet that beauty comes from within as well. She is a real knockout.


Sha has been my coffee mug mascot since I began this blog in 2002. I think she's a whore.

We have a columnist in the Twin Cities who is just as bad as Robert Sheer.
Nick Coleman got his job at the St. Paul paper because his mother was the Editor. When she moved to the Minneapolis paper, he moved with her.

Last year, bloggers made the Minneapolis paper admit that Nick Coleman made up a quote from an interview and that he made up an interview with a person he never talked to.

Nick Coleman still has his job.

Your mission Jake, if you choose to accept it, and realizing that I will disavow any association with you at the trial, is to .... whoops, my hot dogs are done.

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